Saturday, October 25, 2008

Acorn: Not just corrupt, but incompetent

A Western correspondent chides this blog's author's limpid response to a NYT article on Acorn fraud:
"You sound so blase. This is illegal .... It is a violation of campaign finance laws. Why isn't this being investigated?"

I reply thus:

Acorn is being investigated in many states, but it’ll simply come down to “justice delayed is justice denied.” And any successful prosecutions will raise cries of "racism" and “voter suppression.”

Perversely, it turns out that Acorn’s claims of the number of new voters it’s registered are wildly inflated.

As noted last evening,,2933,443990,00.html
Get Out the Vote?

Despite claims by various media outlets that new voter registration is up from previous years, a new Gallup survey says that is not the case.

The poll indicates just 13 percent of registered voters will cast ballots for the first time. That is the same number found in Gallup's 2004 pre-election poll. And the number of registered voters who say they do not plan to vote has actually risen two percentage points.

These findings come as The New York Times reports a claim by the voter registration group ACORN that it had signed up 1.3 million new voters is vastly exaggerated. The executive director of ACORN affiliate Project Vote says the actual figure is closer to 450,000. He says about 400,000 registrations were rejected because they were duplicates, incomplete or fraudulent.

So Obama has been taken for a ride by the organization he’s pumped zillions into.

Meaning a better questions for the electorate would be:

"Would you trust this man to negotiate foreign treaties when he dosn't even have the skills of a Chicago politician to get delivery of the votes he's paid for?"

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