Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bob Hope and Jimmy Cagney

From one of my Far Flung Correspondents:
We tend to forget how talented these guys were.
You must watch this to see what performers could do in bygone Hollywood, before one-shot wonders complained that "my trailer [Winnebago] isn't bigger than X's."
I read that Cagney endured a lot of physical pain in doing this scene. This film ("Seven Little Foys") was done 13 years after his rousing "Yankee Doodle Dandy," which showed him at his best stiff-legged dance style.
Although only four years older than Hope, who here is at his absolute best in dancing, the years had taken more of a toll on Cagney. Probably because he worked at this so long in vaudeville, whereas Hope went into comedy much sooner.
A tragedy is that Hope stayed in the limelight* too long. He outlived Jimmy (100 vs.. 87), but he should have retired more gracefully.
An even less flattering depiction of Hope is in the biography by Arthur Marx (yes, Groucho's son) of Hope and Crosby.
Mister K
* and BTW, if you ask me , as a former cinematographer I can tell you the derivation of "Limelight."
I wish my memory was filled with more important things.

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