Saturday, April 3, 2010

Waiting for Godot — and the iPad

My wife and I ordered a new car the week before last. But it's the iPad whose arrival I'm all a-quiver over.
And I'm not alone. There are thousands of blog and forum posts feverishly reporting on this "most anticipated tablet since Moses."
Does Steve Jobs know how to create a market, or what?
Bill Gates is crying softly into his pillow at this very moment.
To add to the freneticism, Jobs insists on making these product launches on a Saturday, even though they have to spiff the local carriers to work on a day they don't normally deliver.
Undoubtedly this is so Apple can get great video coverage of lines around the block, something they wouldn't get on a Friday when most people have to work.
But these Saturday launches can also be a pain in the wazoo. When Leopard shipped in October 2007, Apple demanded a signature for delivery. (Despite the fact I have standing instructions with UPS and FedEx to deliver without signatures.)
Some mutt doing the deliveries rang the bell once and then ran away with the package before I could even get down the stairs. This for a stinkin' $129 product! I had to raise holy hell to get the carrier to make a re-delivery that afternoon.
Paradoxically, some years earlier when I was commuting back and forth from Raleigh and arranged to have a new built-to-order G5 tower (a $5,000 item) delivered, it was unceremoniously dumped on my back porch and sat there for days until my neighbor lady, who had a key, moved it into my kitchen.
Apple must have got a lot of complaints, because this time when you get an email alert that the product has shipped, you get an option to pre-sign for delivery.
Now I only have to worry that a moron substitute driver can't find our Fawlty Towers.
So I guess I love Apple, even when I'm hating it.
Only the last half of that sentence ever applies to Microsoft.

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